Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to block text messages (Sprint)

Send a text message to short code 9999 that contains a command to block, allow, or list sender addresses. The application will send a confirmation SMS message back to the user.

Example: To block short code 12345, text "block 12345" to 9999. The Response Text from 9999 will be SprintFreeMsg: Text messages from "12345" are now blocked.

For a full list of commands, text "help" to 9999.

The following commands are available:

Text the Following Command to 9999Resulting ActionResponse Text Sent
Back to the Customer
helpProvides help message about how to use 9999 short codeSprintFreeMsg: Text these commands to 9999 to manage SMS blocking: block, list, spam, help. Text "help <command>" to learn about each command.
help blockProvides help message about how to use block commandSprintFreeMsg: block <sender>: Blocks all texts from and to the sender. Example: block 55555555. Text help sender for more sender formats.
help allowProvides help message about how to use allow commandSprintFreeMsg: allow <sender>: Allows all texts from (and to) the sender. Example: "allow 5555555555". Text "help sender" for more sender formats.
help allProvides help message about the definition of a senderSprintFreeMsg: Sender is a 10 digit number | shortcode | email address | email domain. "email is a special sender used to block or allow all email.
help senderProvides help message about the definition of a senderSprintFreeMsg: Sender is a 10 digit number | shortcode | email address | email domain. "email is a special sender used to block or allow all email.
help <anything else>Provides help message about 9999 commandsSprintFreeMsg: Text command (block | list | spam | help) to 9999 to manage blocking.. Text "help <command>" or "help all" to get help messages.
blockResponds with an error messageSprintFreeMsg: The sender you tried to block, "" must be at least 4 characters long. Please try again.
block <less than four chars>Responds with an error messageSprintFreeMsg: The sender you tried to block, "XXX" must be at least 4 characters long. Please try again.
block <shortcode>Blocks messages to and from the specified shortcode and removes it from the allow listSprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXX" are now blocked.
block <mdn>Blocks messages to and from the specified MDN and removes it from the allow listSprintFreeMsg: Text messages from and to "XXXXX" are now blocked.
block <user@domain>Blocks messages to and from the specified email address and removes it from the allow listSprintFreeMsg: Text messages from and to "XXXXX" are now blocked.
block <@domain>Blocks messages to and from the specified domain and removes it from the allow list.SprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXX" are now blocked.
block emailBlocks message to and from email.SprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from all email addresses are now blocked.
blocklist (block list has entries in list)Makes the block list the active list and issues the list commandSprintFreeMsg: n blocked sender/receivers: "XXXXX" "YYYYY" "ZZZZ" …
blocklist (block list has no entries in list)Makes the block list the active list and issues the list commandSprintFreeMsg: You have no blocked senders/receivers. All text messages will be allowed.
blist (block list has entries in list)Makes the block list the active list and issues the list commandSprintFreeMsg: n blocked sender/receivers: "XXXXX" "YYYYY" "ZZZZ" …
blist (block list has no entries in list)Makes the block list the active list and issues the list commandSprintFreeMsg: You have no blocked senders/receivers. All text messages will be allowed.
allowResponds with an error message.SprintFreeMsg: The sender you tried to allow, "" must be at least 4 characters long. Please try again.
allow <less than five chars>Responds with an error messageSprintFreeMsg: The sender you tried to allow, "XXXXX" must be at least 4 characters long. Please try again.
allow <shortcode>Adds shortcode to the allow list and removes it from the block listSprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXX" are now allowed.
allow <mdn>Adds MDN to the allow list and removes it from the block listSprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXX" are now allowed.
allow <user@domain>Adds email address to the allow list and removes it from the block listSprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXX" are now allowed.
allow <@domain>Adds domain to the allow list and removes it from the block listSprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXX" are now allowed.
allow emailRemoves block on emailSprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from all email addresses are now allowed.
allow allRemoves all items from the block listSprintFreeMsg: All text messages are now allowed.
allowlist (allow list has entries in list)Makes the allow list the active list and issues the list commandSprintFreeMsg: n allowed sender/receivers: "XXXXX" "YYYYY" "ZZZZ" …
allowlist (allow list has no entries in list)Makes the allow list the active list and issues the list commandSprintFreeMsg: You have no allowed senders/receivers. All text messages will be blocked.
list (block list has entries)Lists all block list entries.
Note: List only provides the entries to the block list regardless of which list is active
SprintFreeMsg: There are "n" senders on your block list. All these senders will be blocked: "XXXXXXX" "YYYYYYY" "ZZZZZZZ"…
list (block list is empty)Sends message stating block list is emptySprintFreeMsg: You have no blocked senders/receivers. All text messages will be allowed.
spam <shortcode>Provides shortcode to be investigated for spam and blocks shortcodeSprintFreeMsg: Thanks for reporting spam sent by "XXXXXX."
SprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXXX" are now blocked.
spam <mdn>Provides MDN to be investigated for spam and blocks MDNSprintFreeMsg: Thanks for reporting spam sent by "XXXXXX."
SprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXXX" are now blocked.
spam <user@domain>Provides email address to be investigated for spam and blocks email addressSprintFreeMsg: Thanks for reporting spam sent by "XXXXXX."
SprintFreeMsg: Text messages to and from "XXXXXX" are now blocked.

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